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Weekly schedule of public speaking engagements and other activities

Friday, 28 June 2024 - Sunday, 07 July 2024
Friday, 28 June 2024
Event: ECB Consumer Expectations Survey results – May 2024
Time: 10:00 CET
Contact number: Eszter Miltényi-Torstensson - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 8035 - Mob: +49 171 769 5305
E-mail address:
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Saturday, 29 June 2024
Board member: Isabel Schnabel
Event: Participation by Ms Schnabel in Petersberger Sommer-Dialog in Königswinter (Bonn), Germany
Time: 15:15 CET
Venue: Grandhotel Petersberg, 53639 Königswinter, Germany
Contact number: Peter Ehrlich - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 8320 - Mob: +49 172 1316227
E-mail address:
Notes: The slides during this event will be the same as on 23 June at the Weltwirtschaftlicher Preis 2024, which are available on the ECB's website.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Monday, 1 July 2024
Event: TARGET balances statistics (Dataset: TGB)
Time: 10:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Monday, 1 July 2024
Board member: Christine Lagarde
Event: Introductory speech by Ms Lagarde at opening reception of ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 21:00 CET/20:00 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: The text will be made available on the ECB's website.
Notes: Journalist can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Board member: Luis de Guindos
Event: Chairing of Session 1 "The rise and fall of inflation in the euro area – past, present and future" by Mr de Guindos at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 09:30 CET/08:30 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Esther Tejedor - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 95596 - Mob: +49 172 5171280
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Event: Euro money market statistics (Dataset: MMSR)
Time: 10:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Board member: Frank Elderson
Event: Chairing of Session 2 "The economics of biodiversity at ECB Forum on Central Banking" by Mr Elderson at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 10:30 CET/09:30 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Andrea Zizola - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6551 - Mob: +49 170 2292502
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Event: Euro area seasonally adjusted HICP flash estimate (Dataset: ICP)
Time: 12:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Board member: Isabel Schnabel
Event: Chairing of Panel 1 "Geopolitical shocks and inflation" by Ms Schnabel at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 12:30 CET/11:30 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Lena-Sophie Demuth - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 5423 - Mob: +49 162 2952316
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Board member: Christine Lagarde
Event: Participation by Ms Lagarde in policy panel at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 15:30 CET/14:30 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Event: The ECB Podcast – Price stability in unstable times
Time: 10:00 CET
E-mail address:
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Board member: Luis de Guindos
Event: Chairing of Session 3 "Monetary Policy Cycles" by Mr de Guindos at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 10:00 CET/09:00 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Esther Tejedor - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 95596 - Mob: +49 172 5171280
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Board member: Piero Cipollone
Event: Chairing of Session 4 "Euro area productivity in the short and long run" by Mr Cipollone at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 11:00 CET/10:00 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Board member: Philip R. Lane
Event: Chairing of Panel 2 "Drivers of equilibrium interest rates" by Mr Lane at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 12:30 CET/11:30 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra, Portugal
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Event: Publication of the Consolidated Financial Statement of the Eurosystem (Quarterly statement)
Time: 15:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Event: Publication of weekly APP and PEPP portfolio updates
Time: 15:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Event: Publication of monthly APP update (with country breakdown) and PEPP update (only monthly and cumulative net purchases of debt securities under the PEPP)
Time: 15:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Board member: Christine Lagarde
Event: Closing remarks by Ms Lagarde at ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024 "Monetary policy in an era of transformation" in Sintra, Portugal
Time: 16:15 CET/15:15 local time
Venue: Penha Longa Hotel, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, Sintra
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Notes: Journalists can follow the event live via the link above.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Event: Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators (Dataset: EXR)
Time: 10:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Event: Euro area quarterly balance of payments and international investment position (Dataset: BPS)
Time: 10:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Event: Euro area bank interest rate statistics (Dataset: MIR)
Time: 10:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Event: Euro area households and non-financial corporations (Dataset: QSA)
Time: 11:00 CET
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Board member: Philip R. Lane
Event: Master in Economics and Finance (MEF) 2024 Lecture by Mr Lane at the University of Naples Federico II in Naples, Italy
Time: 11:00 CET
Venue: Conference Center of the University of Naples Federico II, Via Partenope 36, 80121 Naples, Italy
Contact number: Silvia Margiocco - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6619 - Mob: +49 170 5626783
E-mail address:
Text: Slides will be made available on the ECB's website.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Board member: Elizabeth McCaul
Event: Participation by Ms McCaul in 28th Annual Economist Government Roundtable in Athens, Greece
Time: 11:35 CET/12:35 local time
Venue: Grand Resort Lagonissi, Lagonissi Attica, Athens
Contact number: Nicos Keranis - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 7806 - Mob: +49 172 7587237
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Event: Account of the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank held on 5-6 June 2024
Time: 13:30 CET
Contact number: Eva Taylor - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 7162 - Mob: +49 173 2150190
E-mail address:
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Board member: Piero Cipollone
Event: Keynote speech by Mr Cipollone at 15th edition of the National Statistics Conference in Rome, Italy
Time: 16:15 CET
Venue: Centro Congressi Roma Eventi- Fontana di Trevi, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Roma, Italy
Contact number: Eszter Miltényi-Torstensson - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 8035 - Mob: +49 171 769 5305
E-mail address:
Text: The text will be made available on the ECB's website.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Friday, 5 July 2024
Event: The ECB Podcast – War, geopolitics and the economy
Time: 09:00 CET
Contact number: Andrea Cuesta Díaz - ECB Newsroom - Mob: + +491721514350
E-mail address:
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Friday, 5 July 2024
Board member: Frank Elderson
Event: Introductory remarks followed by Q&A by Mr Elderson in panel "Embedding data culture in supervision" at Data Innovation for Future of Regulation (DIFoR) Conference organised by the Financial Conduct Authority in London, UK
Time: 14:15 CET/13:15 local time
Venue: Online
Contact number: Andrea Zizola - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 6551 - Mob: +49 170 2292502
E-mail address:
Text: The text will be made available on the ECB's banking supervision website.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET
Friday, 5 July 2024
Board member: Christine Lagarde
Event: On-stage conversation with Ms Lagarde and Prof. Jean Tirole at 24th edition of Les Rencontres Economiques d'Aix-en-Provence 2024 "Relier les mondes" in Aix-en-Provence, France
Time: 19:15 CET
Venue: Amphi 1, 29 Av. Robert Schuman, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France
Contact number: Philippe Rispal - ECB Newsroom - Tel: +49 69 1344 5482 - Mob: +49 175 1826376
E-mail address:
Text: No text will be made available.
Last modified: 2 July 2024, 19:50 CET

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