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Manual "Accession countries: balance of payments/international investment position statistical methods"

12 May 2003

The European Central Bank has today published a revised version of the manual entitled "Accession countries: balance of payments/international investment position statistical methods". This manual has been prepared in close co-operation with the accession countries, whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged. The first version of this manual was published by the ECB on 20 February 2002.

This manual outlines the methods for compiling balance of payments (b.o.p.) and international investment position (i.i.p.) statistics in the accession countries (namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and provides a basis for monitoring harmonisation across European countries.

The manual is primarily intended for use by central banks, statistical institutes and international organisations.

It is available on the ECB's web site ( (pdf 4.38 MB).

Hard copies are available from the ECB at the following address:


Eiropas Centrālā banka

Komunikācijas ģenerāldirektorāts

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