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DelC 6.7 Delors Committee documents

The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union, with notes

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

02/01/1989 -03/02/1989
Telefax from T. Padoa-Schioppa to G. Baer with the paper The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

01/10/1988 -30/11/1989
Handwritten notes on The ECU, the Common Currency and the Monetary Union

Archival reference: DelC 6.7

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