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For professional use

Eurosystem single market infrastructure gateway (ESMIG)

Common reference data management (CRDM)

26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
22 February 2024
22 February 2024
With revisions
22 February 2024

Data warehouse (DWH)

26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
22 February 2024
22 February 2024
22 February 2024
with revisions

Billing (BILL)

26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
22 February 2024
22 February 2024
with revisions
22 February 2024

Business Day Management (BDM)

26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
22 February 2024
clean version
22 February 2024
clean version
22 February 2024
with revisions
22 February 2024
with revisions

The User Requirements Document for common components

26 July 2024
This document is currently undergoing a review process in the TARGET Services Governance. As soon as such process is completed, an update will be published.
22 February 2024
clean version
22 February 2024
with revisions

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