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Weekly financial statements

The weekly financial statements of the Eurosystem are published on a Tuesday, and they relate to the preceding Friday.

Publication date exceptions

The publication day for the first financial statement of each quarter will normally be a Wednesday (instead of Tuesday) in order to allow more time to complete the quarterly revaluation of assets and liabilities, which is reflected in these statements.

Whenever the TARGET system is closed, and thus the day in question is not a settlement day for euro money market transactions and foreign exchange transactions involving the euro, that day is deemed to be a non-business day of the Eurosystem for financial reporting purposes. If such additional non-business days fall during the weekly statement preparation period, this period is extended accordingly.

Publication dates in 2025 that differ from the general rule:

Status Week Reporting date Publication date Weekday Reason


Week 1 3 January 2025 8 January 2025 Wednesday First financial statement of the quarter


Week 14 4 April 2025 9 April 2025 Wednesday First financial statement of the quarter


Week 16 18 April 2025 23 April 2025 Wednesday TARGET Closing Day
Easter Monday


Week 27 4 July 2025 9 July 2025 Wednesday First financial statement of the quarter
QFS Week 40 3 October 2025 8 October 2025 Wednesday First financial statement of the quarter

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