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Money, credit and banking

Statistics on money, credit and banking are based on information from the balance sheets of deposit-taking corporations, money market funds, euro area national central banks and the ECB, which together make up the monetary financial institutions (MFI) sector.

Monetary aggregates

Monetary aggregates are a formal way of measuring the total sum of money in an economy and a key reference for monetary policymaking. Monetary aggregates and their counterparts are derived from the consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector and short-term deposit liabilities of post offices and specific central government entities. They consist of short-term liabilities to the money-holding sector (i.e. non-MFI euro area residents, excluding central government).

Monetary aggregates

Monetary financial institutions

The balance sheets of MFIs provide a comprehensive picture of monetary developments. Data on assets and liabilities are disseminated for the MFI sector as a whole, as well as separately for deposit-taking corporations, money market funds and euro area national central banks.

Monetary financial institutions (MFIs)

MFI lending to the private sector

MFI balance sheets include detailed information on loans to other sectors, in particular households and non-financial corporations. Loans to households are broken down by loan purpose (i.e. house purchase, consumer credit and other lending). Loans to non-financial corporations are broken down by original maturity as well as by economic activity of the borrower.

MFI lending to the private sector

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