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Statement by the EC, ECB, and IMF on Portugal

12 June 2014

The European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund take note of the Portuguese government's intention to await the pending Constitutional Court rulings concerning adopted budgetary measures before formulating a comprehensive response. These rulings are not expected before the IMF and EU programme expires at the end of June. We take note of the government's decision not to seek an extension of the program and to allow its expiration without completing the 12th and final review and without receiving the associated final tranche.

We welcome the government's firm commitment to identify the measures needed to fill the fiscal gap created by the Constitutional Court rulings, in order to reach the budgetary targets agreed under the programme. We encourage the government to continue with the on-going process of structural reform. Sound economic policies for the medium term will be essential to reinforce the economic recovery and ensure sustainable growth and job creation. We remain ready to assist the authorities and the Portuguese people as they continue in this effort.

For media queries, please contact Andreas Adriano, +49-69-1344-8035


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